Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kids that wont sleep?

Kids that will not sleep? Putting the Sleep back Into Bedtime on our site http://www.mychildcare.ie/parentcoach_sleepbackintobedtime.asp

Friday, August 6, 2010

Super nannies save the day

DEMAND for the services of nannies has "surged", according to a group which represents childminders.

Bernie Griffiths, of Childminding Ireland, said: "We are getting calls from single parents who need help around the clock, working parents who are working longer hours, parents who are having to travel further for work and those who want a more economical deal."

She said the biggest market for nannies was in Dublin, where in-house carers may prove more cost-effective than creches, followed by rural areas of Waterford and Cork.

"We are certain we will see interest from those affected by the recession, people who opt to change their career," said Ms Griffiths.


Bill to vet childcare workers due by end of year

Bill to vet childcare workers due by end of year.

MINISTER FOR Children Barry Andrews says he will bring legislative proposals to Government by the end of the year to vet people who work with children for their suitability.

The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) complained last week that the continued absence of the promised National Vetting Bureau Bill was having a hugely negative impact on organisations working with children.
